Dr. Radheykant Sharma,DOI: 10.24214/IJGHC/GC/14/1/00109
A survey of literature revealed the isolation of triterpenoids, aliphatic alcohols, alkaloids and flavonoids from fruits, flowers, leaves, heartwood and stem bark and exudates polysaccharide from its gum. In biological investigation, the ethanolic extract of the stem bark exhibited antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory activities although it was devoid of antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antifertility, hypoglycemic and diuretic activities.
Jitendra R. Deshmukh, Uddhav N. Chaudhar , Ajay M. Patil and Shivanand G. Sonkamble,DOI: 10.24214/IJGHC/GC/14/1/01019.
A facile and green protocol has been developed for the synthesis of 2- aryl benzothiazole derivatives in high to excellent yields using Phthalimide-N- Sulfonic Acid (PISA) under solvent free condition at 70oC temperature. The Synthesized compounds were screened antioxidant activities of these compounds were determined by DPPH scavenging activity and antimicrobial activities against Gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus subtilis), Gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and fungus (Candida albicans). Advantages of this protocol are high yields, short reaction times, mild reaction condition, eco-friendly, easy workup, and reusability of the catalyst.
Akochayé Martin Otchoumaré, Armelle Sabine Yélignan Hounkpatin, Azandédji Santorin Seton, Hervé Bokossa, Zinsou Franck Mignanwandé and Roch Christian Johnson.DOI: 10.24214/IJGHC/GC/14/1/02035
In many parts of the world, people use medicinal plants such as Adansonia digitata to treat themselves without taking into account their level of toxicity. That’s why our study was initiated to assess the toxicity of the hydroethanolic extract of Adansonia digitata L. Acute toxicity was assessed in male and female Wistar rats at a dose of 5000 mg/kg using OECD 423 guidelines. The subacute toxicity test was conducted over a 28-day period with four groups of four rats each. Group 1 received 1 ml/100 g of distilled water, while Groups 2, 3, and 4 received the hydroethanolic extract at doses of 500, 750, and 1000 mg/kg, respectively, in accordance with OECD 407 guidelines. A single-dose administration of the A. digitata extract caused no deaths, suggesting an LD50 greater than 5000 mg/kg. At repeated doses over 28 days, the extract did not promote weight gain in rats, regardless of the administered dose. Moreover, no significant increases in AST and ALT levels were observed at any of the three doses, nor were there changes in serum creatinine or urea levels during both acute and subacute toxicity assessments. Additionally, no significant alterations are noted in hematological parameters during either toxicity evaluation.
Finally, histopathological analysis revealed no liver or kidney damage. This study demonstrated the safety of the hydroethanolic extract of Adansonia digitata on liver and kidney function, supporting its use as an improved traditional medicine.
Anil Kumar. and S. Ganesh, DOI: 10.24214/IJGHC/GC/14/1/03640
The environment shapes the genetic configuration of plants and animals, while genes, in turn, regulate environmental dynamics by giving rise to species with diverse behaviors that affect the ecosystem, either positively or negatively. The environment during the age of dinosaurs was vastly different, enabling the existence of such colossal creatures. Over time, natural changes in the environment led to the extinction of these species, and new vegetation and animal species emerged. The continuous interplay between vegetation, animals, and human intervention has significantly transformed the environment on Earth. These environmental shifts have also caused changes in the behavior and genetic traits of living organisms, leading to either beneficial or harmful impacts. The cyclical relationship between genes and the environment is a natural phenomenon, where both elements serve as different forms of energy influencing each other. The present study reveals that genes and the environment are equally crucial in the creation and cohabitation of life on Earth. To maintain balance between nature and its creations, the human race, as the most intellectually advanced species, must actively protect the environment. This can be achieved through legislation, social awareness, scientific collaboration, regional cooperation, and the regulation of the import and export of living species. By taking these steps, we can preserve the environment for future generations to live a harmonious and fulfilling life.
Babu Giriya Gowda, Divya Jattu Gouda, Neha G, Sahana B. S and Prajwal Lourdes Lobo,DOI: 10.24214/IJGHC/GC/14/1/04149.
β-Carotene belongs to a group of more than 600 compounds, jointly called as carotenoids. It has numerous biological functions in the human body and because human is not able to synthesize any of them, it is necessary to supply these valuable compounds with food or pharmaceuticals. Therefore, rising market demand stimulates the development of its diverse production methods. Phytochemical analysis of the extract of Daucus carota subsp. sativus showed the presence of various bioactive compounds which are known to exhibit medicinal activities. In the present research work, Soxhlet and ultrasonic extraction methods have been used. Different parameters like extraction time, temperature and effect of solvents have been studied using both methods. The extracts were purified by using TLC method and column chromatographic methods. A wide range of active phytochemical constituents like phenolic compounds, steroids, coumarins, terpenoids and sugars and saponins were identified in the extract by various chemical tests. The extract had fluorescence behaviours at 510 nm to 530 nm after excitation at 450 nm due to the presence carotinoids. The major functional groups of various phytochemicals were confirmed by FTIR and fluorescence spectral studies.
Ms. Prajakta Sudhir Khadeand Dr. Rajeshkumar U. Sambhe,DOI: 10.24214/IJGHC/GC/14/1/05062
The agricultural sector, essential to global food security, is embracing machine learning (ML) technologies to transform farming practices with enhanced precision, efficiency, and sustainability. This paper explores ML methodologies—supervised, unsupervised, and deep learning—and their applications in addressing agriculture’s unique challenges. Key areas include precision farming, crop health monitoring, yield forecasting, and resource optimization, all contributing to increased productivity while minimizing environmental impact. A special focus is given to Indian agriculture, characterized by fragmented landholdings, erratic monsoons, and limited technological access among small-scale farmers. ML-driven innovations like soil quality analysis, rainfall prediction, and pest control offer effective solutions to these challenges. Real-world case studies demonstrate ML’s transformative potential in global and localized contexts, showcasing its success in improving agricultural outcomes. However, the integration of ML in agriculture faces hurdles such as limited availability of high-quality data, high adoption costs, and ethical concerns surrounding data privacy. Additionally, digital literacy gaps and infrastructural constraints in developing regions hinder widespread implementation. The paper concludes by highlighting future prospects, including ML integration with Internet of Things (IoT) devices, cloud computing, and blockchain. These technologies promise real-time decision-making, predictive analytics, and sustainable practices, revolutionizing agriculture further. As ML evolves, it holds the potential to ensure food security, optimize resources, and combat climate change, paving the way for a sustainable agricultural future.
Dr. Prerna Soni and Dr. Shobha Gawri,DOI: 10.24214/IJGHC/GC/14/1/06369
The efficacy of disinfectants depends upon the concentration of both organism and disinfectant. Common laboratory disinfectants such as ethanol and sodium hypochlorite were used due to their broad antimicrobial efficacy. It should not be implicit that these or any other common disinfectants are effective against all laboratory pathogens. Prior to selection, it is important to check the susceptibility status of disinfectants, which are working for laboratory. There are arguments for creating or maintaining conditions that are not conducive to bacterial survival and multiplication, rather than attempting to kill them with chemicals. Bacteria can increase in number very quickly, which enables them to evolve rapidly. This experiment was aimed to evaluate the susceptibility response of different laboratory disinfectants against bacterial isolate. Susceptibility of different disinfectants was tested against bacteria which are commercially used in college laboratory. Antibacterial activities were examined using Phenol, Acetone, Hydrogen peroxide, Iso-propyl alcohol, and Iodine solution against bacterial isolates (Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis)using agar well diffusion method. All disinfectants showed significant activity against bacteria and maximum zone of inhibition showed by iodine solution followed by hydrogen peroxide, acetone, isopropyl alcohol, and minimum in phenol.
Oxazine derivatives are versatile scaffolds for various biologically active heterocyclic compounds containing one oxygen and one nitrogen. Herein we report a study of novel synthetic route for the synthesis of [1, 3] Oxazine derivative. The designed Oxazine scaffolds are synthesized via a one pot, three- component reaction involving β-Naphthol, formalin and substituted aniline in presence of L-Proline-NO3as a reusable catalyst under microwave irradiation. The reactions yield excellent products with yields ranging from 85-94% within 7 to 10 minutes. The catalyst is easily isolated at the end of the reaction by simple filtration. The key advantages of this reaction include the use of green reaction media (ethyl alcohol), a short reaction time, a reusable catalyst, and an eco-friendly process using microwave irradiation. The molecular structure of all newly prepared compounds ware confirmed by FT-IR, 1H, 13C NMR, and LC-MS Spectroscopic techniques
Archil Benashvili and Lela Rokva,DOI: 10.24214/IJGHC/GC/14/1/07984
The rapid development of the global economy increases the consumption of non-renewable energy, which accelerates climate change and contributes to environmental pollution. Therefore, it is important to develop efficient, renewable, relatively cheap and environmentally safe energy saving systems. Electrochemical capacitors, also known as supercapacitors, have attracted great interest in recent years due to their potential applications as electrical energy storage devices due to their high capacity, fast charge/discharge capability and long-term cycling [1].Oxides of transition metals, especially manganese and cobalt oxides (MnO2, Co3O4), are considered such materials due to their wide distribution, outstanding structural flexibility and environmental friendliness. Thermogravimetric analysis gives information about physical as well as chemical phenomena of substance transformation such as phase transition, adsorption, chemisorptions, thermal decomposition and oxidation-reduction. Therefore, it’s important to study metal oxides thermal behavior that are used in supercapacitors as electrode materials. The principle of thermogravimetric analysis is based on measurement of the mass of a sample over time as the temperature changes. We carried out thermogravimetric study of manganese dioxide and its mixtures with cobalt oxides and carbon.
V. H. Waghmare and N. S. Ghotkar,DOI: 10.24214/IJGHC/GC/14/1/08594
Hexavalent and trivalent chromium are the two most stable and widespread oxidation states of chromium in the environment. Cr (VI) species have greater solubility and mobility in aqueous systems. In the present work, a new low-cost adsorbent was prepared from Commiphora Wightii in order to remove Cr(VI) ions from aqueous solution. The effects of pH, contact time, adsorbent dosage and temperature on adsorption efficiency were studied by batch experiment. The data obtained from the batch processes have used to fit in Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm equations.The CWB was successfully employed for removal of Chromium (VI) ion from aqueous solution and the technique appears industrially applicable and feasible.
B S Ramesh, M Geetha, Pragna M S and Neela Acharya, DOI: 10.24214/IJGHC/GC/14/1/09502
Pseuderanthemum carruthersii flowers were extracted with methanol solvent. The extract was subjected to screen the phytochemical constituents through Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis. The GC-MS analysis of crude extract revealed the presence of 12 phytochemical compounds, the identification of phytochemical compounds were confirmed on the basis of retention time, peak area and molecular weight and formula. The major compounds were recorded based on their area percentage viz., Sulfurous Acid, Octadecyl 2-Propyl Ester (23.750 %), Pregnan-3,11-Diol-20-One (16.895 %), Pseduosarsasapogenin-5,20-Dien (14.718 %), 1,6;3,4-Dianhydro-2-Deoxy-. Beta. -D-Lyxo-Hexopyranose (13.143 %). FTIR studies confirmed the presence of functional groups of phytocompounds N-H, O-H, C=C, C-H, C-O, CH with their respective peaks. From the present findings, it can be concluded that Pseuderanthemum carruthersii flowers contain effective bioactive compounds of pharmacological importance.
Jaydev Ojha and Krishan Pratap Singh,DOI: 10.24214/IJGHC/GC/14/1 /10309.
This study investigates the impact of various fertilizers on the growth and yield of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) to optimize agricultural practices for enhanced productivity. The morphological characters of leaves, stems, and roots of Vigna radiata L. belonging to the family Fabaceae (subfamily - Papilionoideae) were studied. The experiment was taken in the kharif season in 2024 at the Botanical Garden R. B. S. College Agra. In morphological characters, the plants were observed as annual erect herbs with brown hirsute. Leaves were pinnately trifoliolate, compound and sparsely pilose. The flowers were bisexual, zygomorphic, pentamerous, hypogynous and papilionaceous. Pods were dehiscent, sparely pale brown hirsute and seeds greenish or yellowish green, glabrous. Results indicated significant improvements in growth and yield with the application of balanced nutrient combinations, with organic fertilizers showing a positive effect on soil health and productivity. The study concluded that a tailored fertilization strategy can significantly enhance mung bean productivity, providing valuable insights for sustainable crop management practices
This study explores the spontaneous emergence of life forms under controlled and varied environmental conditions, as demonstrated through a circumstantial experiment with stored wheat flour. The findings challenge the traditional "life creates life" principle, proposing instead that matter, under conducive conditions, may convert into life force energy, leading to the creation of life. Observations of larvae and moths in an airtight flour pack, contrasted with unsealed storage, suggest environmental factors and atomic configurations as drivers of life formation. The study draws parallels between quantum phenomena, spiritual texts, and biological processes, emphasizing the interplay of energy, consciousness, and matter. These insights could broaden our understanding of abiogenesis, atomic reconfiguration, and the role of environmental influence in evolution