We are inviting papers in Section A. Green Chemistry and Section B. Herbal Chemistry for Volume 14 and Issue 1. you can send your papers with our submit tool or can forward directly at ijghc.2012@gmail.com
Volume 14 and Issue 1. December 2024 to February 25 is on progress.

International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry.
An International Refereed Journal

International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry (IJGHC) is an open access peer-reviewed international forum for scientists involved in research to publish quality and refereed papers. Papers reporting original research or extended versions of already published in conference papers are also welcome. Papers for publication are selected through peer review to ensure originality, relevance, and readability. The journal ensures a wide indexing policy to make published papers highly visible to the scientific community. Review articles would be contributed by prospective authors who wish to contribute a review paper in the Journal. In this case, authors must consult the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editor with an extended summary and outline before preparing the article. International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry (IJGHC) shall provide for a comprehensive coverage of physical, chemical and biological research relating to the analysis, detection, measurement and elucidation of all environmental processes. Herbal research and Ayurveda has been known since ancient times whereas Green Chemistry approach is totally new but, both these favor environment and humanity unlike the approach of synthetic medicines. The subject coverage by the International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry (IJGHC) may be summarized as follows

Section A: Green Chemistry

The principles of green chemistry are being housed in IJGHC. Green Chemistry focuses on reducing, recycling, or eliminating the use of toxic chemicals in chemistry by finding creative ways to minimize the human and environmental impact without stifling scientific progress. This journal covers subjects relating to reducing the environmental impact of chemical substances and fuels by developing alternative and sustainable technologies that are non-toxic to living things and the environment. IJGHC shall also cover the management of contaminants in all natural and anthropogenic environments, with special emphasis on the effects of exposure to contaminants and associated health risks. IJGHC also focuses on air Pollution Control, Alternate Energy Technologies, Biofuels, Green Engineering, Solid and Hazardous Waste, Sustainable Biorefineries, Wastewater Treatment, Water Pollution Control, Pharma-Ecology, Pharmaceuticals and personal care products. This journal also covers the past, present, and future of green chemistry and green engineering, Heterogeneous catalysis, Homogeneous catalysis, Biocatalysts, Biorenewable resources, Cleaner synthesis technology, The design of new, greener and safer chemicals and materials, The application of innovative technology to establish industrial procedures ,designing greener, safer chemical synthesis ,designing greener, safer chemical manufacturing processes, Microwave synthesis, Green synthesis, QSR technology for organic compounds ,Nano Science & Technology,  etc .

Section B: Herbal Chemistry

Herbal chemistry is a challenging field, where a specialist can research and toil for many years and still fails to unravel the complete mystery of magical herbs. It is a complex subject that involves several hundred chemical compounds and their derivatives along with thousands of invisible biochemical molecules. The fact is that we are existing in a plastic and artificial world, where we try to find the quickest and easiest way out. Everything is about quick fix solutions, and most of humanity has realized that this is absolutely detrimental to humanity. For this reason an increasing mass of the population is going back to the natural way of living. One of the natural methods includes the medicinal herbs Ayurveda consists of two Sanskrit words: 'Ayu' which means life and 'Veda' which means the knowledge of. To know about life is Ayurveda and according to the ancient Ayurvedic scholar Charaka, "ayu" is comprised of four essential parts: the combination of mind, body, senses and the soul. With Ayurveda healing, the purpose is not just to bring remedy to an illness but also to maintain the health. Ayurveda is a complete system of medicine which offers remedies that are simple and natural, using common household herbs as well as strategies such as Panchkarma (is a collection of purification techniques that Ayurveda prescribes for some diseases and for periodic cleansing. A course of Pancharkarma typically includes a short-term dietary prescription, massage, herbs, and may include purgatives, sweat baths, medicated enemas, and nasal cleansing). Herbal Chemistry is dedicated to medicinal plants and to bioactive natural products of plant origin. We accept original research and review articles from following fields:- Isolation and Characterization of active ingredients of medicinal plants New methods for standardization of bioactive plant extract/s and natural products Clinically active plant extracts Receptor / target identification in mechanism of action of plant extracts including enzyme assays Use of Nanotechnology in Herbal formulations Chemistry and biochemistry of bioactive natural product/s of plant origin Legal Issues related to Herbs and TKDL Traditional use of herbs as medicine Detoxification treatments by either Elimination like panchakarma or shodana or Palliation like shaman Toxicology study Reports of field studies. Issues related to conservation of medicinal plants.


IJGHC is a peer-reviewed journal recognized under the latest UGC Gazette regulations regarding the qualifications required for appointing teachers and academic staff in colleges and universities.

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We are calling research papers for Volume 14 and Issue 1.December. 2024 to February.2025


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